Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Bless Revolver for running an article on HIM, even if it was just one pathetic page with an uber hot picture of ville in it. In the interview, Ville said that a new album will be coming out, very much unlike the poppish Dark Light one. Thank goodness. He said that "most people would probably hate it", but I have high hopes for it anyway!

I wish singapore had such music magazine, but I suppose it's really hard to run such a publications with such a dead music scene around. I mean, what bands are there to feature articles on? Most bands around are just imitations or copies of American bands. There seems to be no original sounds or anything. I'm sorry for being such a harsh critic when I myself am a music retard, but honestly. When electrico said they werre going to prove that local music doesn't suck, I was skeptical. After hearing a few songs, I rest my case.

Bought Nylon and Yen mag. I wanted to get Vogue UK as katem. was on the cover but it was just too damn expensive. Sigh. I need money. Seriously.

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